Circles of Life is currently working on a new documentary project. We are going on the road and travelling to rural, remote and coastal communities to gather a broad range of women’s diverse stories and produce a documentary.
The ‘Outback Women, She Said’ Project is a project which will encapsulate the untold stories of endurance, genius, heartbreak, love, toughness, integrity, perseverance, isolation and celebration. We will be recording the unheard and diverse stories of women from rural, remote and north coastal Queensland. We were driven to create this project to record and share the stories that are lost to distance, isolation and struggle. Although often silenced, their experiences are laden with significant insights, messages and purposes and we believe that sharing them will bring reciprocal benefits.
This project has the capacity to connect the city and country communities, building relationships across the miles in worlds formerly with little opportunity to connect in this way.
Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner
and 2016 NSW Australian of the Year)
"Sharing stories and building communities is how we create change...
we must create ways to share conversations and stories and create
informed change in our communities".
The ultimate purpose of this project is to link women together through story telling and the Circles of Life Forums.
Please contact us with any information and support possible,
we are determined to complete this project.
The itinerary is yet to be finally set and will be determined by
the contacts made and the funds available to record footage in
the regional communities.
You can donate here on the Circles of Life Qld website
link or go to the crowdfunding page at :
Here is a trailer from our first project on advocacy for the intellectually and physically disabled in the community. It is titled 'THE APPLEYARD PROJECT'.
Thank you so much for your support!


Circles of Life QLD
is taking to the road to record the unheard diversified stories of women around Queensland.